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APC: George Moghalu Claims He Didn't Join The Party But Was Among The Group Who Drafted Constitution

opera.com 2 days ago

Chief George Moghalu, former National Auditor of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and ex-Managing Director of the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA), has reaffirmed his vital role and unwavering commitment to the APC. In an interview with The Sun, Moghalu emphasized his foundational involvement with the party, stating, "I am a full-fledged member of the APC. I am a card-carrying member of the party. I have personal relationships across the board that I built over the years."

According to The Sun, Moghalu proudly highlighted his contributions to the party's inception, including drafting its constitution, organizing meetings, choosing its name, and overseeing its registration. He asserted that his significant contributions to the APC have been consistent and significant, a fact he believes even his detractors cannot deny.

"I didn't join the APC, I was among the group that sat down, drafted the constitution, had meetings, gave it a name, and registered it," Moghalu said, emphasizing his integral role in the party's formation. His affirmation of dedication and loyalty to the APC demonstrates his enduring commitment to the party's ideals and values.

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