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Simple Steps to Secure Your Phone from Hackers-NCC

opera.com 1 day ago

Keeping your smartphone data safe is crucial in today's digital world. Hackers are constantly looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities, but the Nigerian Communication Commission's (NCC) Consumer Affairs Bureau (CAB) offers valuable guidance to help you secure your device. Here are their key recommendations to help you avoid becoming a hacking victim:

1. Update Regularly: Keep your phone's operating system and apps updated with the latest security patches. These updates often include crucial security patches that fix vulnerabilities hackers might exploit.

2. Download Wisely: Stick to official app stores like Google Play or Apple's App Store for downloads. For other software, prioritize reputable sources.

3. Strong Lock Screen: Implement a strong PIN, fingerprint scan, or facial recognition to prevent unauthorized access to your phone.

4. Track and Lock Your Phone: Utilize the "find my device" feature to locate a lost or stolen phone. You can even remotely lock or erase data on the device for added protection.

5. Logout and Use Unique Passwords: Don't rely on auto-login features. Manually log out of apps and online services after each use. Also, strong and unique passwords are essential for different accounts. A single password for everything can expose your information on a variety of services, leaving you completely susceptible to harmful actions from third parties.

6. Beware of Open Wi-Fi Risks: Avoid using open Wi-Fi networks as they can leave your data vulnerable. If a public network is unavoidable, use a reputable VPN tool to encrypt your data.

By following these tips, you can significantly enhance your phone's security and protect your personal information from potential hackers.

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