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Silvanus Osoro Accuses Senator Sifuna of Hypocrisy Over Fuel Allowance Usage.

opera.com 3 days ago

In a recent public statement, Member of Parliament Silvanus Osoro has called out Senator Sifuna for what he perceives as a display of hypocrisy and a populist agenda. Osoro highlighted that despite using an Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) card for over two years and receiving a fuel allowance, Senator Sifuna has now expressed shock over the matter.

The accusations from Osoro suggest that Senator Sifuna may be engaging in behavior that contradicts his public persona. The use of an ETC card and acceptance of a fuel allowance are common practices among government officials, yet Senator Sifuna's reaction to these benefits has raised questions about his consistency and transparency.

This incident underscores the importance of elected officials being held accountable for their actions and statements. It serves as a reminder that the public expects honesty and integrity from those in positions of power. As this situation continues to unfold, it will be interesting to see how Senator Sifuna responds to the allegations made by Silvanus Osoro.


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