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Ruto's Man Reveals The Only Men In Kenya That Can Save Kenya From The Current Mess

opera.com 2 days ago

In an unexpected turn of events, president William Ruto's chair of economic advisors David Ndii has come out to admit that current government is facing many problems and the Gen Zs are fighting for the right thing.

He said that the government has been overpowered by corruption and it is high time that someone comes out and address it before it kills us all. He then proceeded to suggest some of the people in the society that can save us from this monster of corruption and those that will not.

He dismissed the church, the public service and the civil society as those that can save us from this menace because they all lost their goodwill long time ago and can not be trusted. Ndii then said there are some good men still remaining in this country and they can help with the current situation.

According to David Ndii Prof Kivutha Kibwana and Reverend Enjoys should be considered to solve the the current issues. He dismissed former Chief Justice David Maraga as unable to help right now.

"Where does that leave us? Another Kriegler or Kofi Annan moment? It may yet come to that. But I would like to believe that there are still a few good men and women that have the stature and moral courage to call the nation to order.

Let me throw my nominees. Justice Maraga certainly does. Prof Kibutha Kibwana is an honest and wise man. He should be there. Reverend Njoya does not need to be spoken for." Ndii said.

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