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Some Of Us Have Taken The Sledgehammer From The Hands Of The Holy Spirit - Prophet Joshua Iginla

opera.com 5 days ago

In a message shared on his official Facebook page, Prophet Joshua Iginla, the founder and senior pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, addressed the public with a message about forgiveness and judgment within the Christian community.

"Why are we so bitter that we feel some people cannot change?" Prophet Iginla began, drawing attention to the often harsh and unforgiving attitudes prevalent among some Christians. He likened this behavior to that of "Christian Boko Haram," indicating a readiness to destroy souls that Christ has died for.

Prophet Iginla lamented the tendency of some believers to hold onto the past mistakes of others, even when those individuals have genuinely repented and transformed their lives.

"We believe nobody can be safe, and even when people have moved on from their past life and they are saved, we are reminding them of the sin they committed years ago," he stated, highlighting the detrimental impact of such unforgiving attitudes.

He pointed out the hypocrisy in condemning others for their past wrongdoings while failing to recognize that individuals can and do change.

"Somebody fell in a falsehood or did something that was wrong seven years ago; is he in the falsehood today?" he asked, urging the Christian community to embrace forgiveness and understanding.

Prophet Iginla criticized those who assume the role of the Holy Spirit, attempting to judge and purge the church in their own way. "We put ourselves in the position of the Holy Spirit and we don't want to allow the Holy Spirit to purge the church in His own way," he observed.

He warned that such actions are harming the church rather than helping it. "Some of us have taken the sledgehammer from the hands of the Holy Spirit. The way we are doing now, we are killing the body of Christ that He died for," he concluded, calling for a return to love, grace, and the true spirit of Christianity.

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