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Deadly bank robber Basheeru jailed 12 years in London

opera.com 2 days ago

A deadly bank armed robber, Mohammed Basheeru has been jailed for 12 years in London in connection with the Sydenham bank robbery.

P. M. News reports that, Basheeru, 44 was jailed for an armed robbery carried out at a bank in Sydenham after swift analysis of evidence helped police to identify him.

Basheeru, 44, also known as Sonni Reid, of London Road, Croydon, appeared at Woolwich Crown Court on Friday, June 28, and was sentenced to 12 years in jail after pleading guilty to robbery at a previous hearing.

At 11:26 a.m. on Monday, 14 February, police were alerted to complaints of an armed robbery at a high-street bank in Sydenham.

The court heard how two males wearing face coverings entered the premises and demanded that the cashier open the till as his partner held a revolver at her.

According to the police, the couple snatched a large sum of money and then fled down Venner Road, where a witness saw them.

Detectives from the Met's Flying Squad retrieved CCTV footage that recorded the two guys four minutes later on a road near the event, departing in a car, away from the site.

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