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Reactions as Azimio Political Analyst revealed that Intercessors at statehouse have business cards

opera.com 2 days ago

According to Azimio political analyst Pauline Njoroge, recent comments from Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna have shed light on the mysterious role of Faith Intercessors within Kenya's State House. Njoroge says Sifuna reported that these Intercessors even have their own business cards, suggesting they hold a formalized position.

This raises the question - how exactly are the performance and activities of these Faith Intercessors evaluated and managed? Njoroge poses several key questions: What performance metrics are used to appraise the Intercessors during their annual reviews? What specific work plans or goals guide their daily activities? 

The opaque nature of the Intercessors' responsibilities has long been a source of speculation and concern among political observers. With Sifuna's comments, there are now calls for greater transparency around this shadowy yet influential group operating within the highest levels of Kenya's government.

Analysts argue that as unelected, unaccountably figures, the Faith Intercessors wield an outsized and concerning influence on the decision-making of Kenya's leadership. The public deserves to know the criteria by which this group's effectiveness is measured, and how their work is integrated into the broader operations of the presidency.

Without such clarity, suspicions will only grow about the true nature of their role and impact. Do you agree with her sentiments? Let's hear from you. Follow the link below for source information. https://www.facebook.com/1354247211/posts/pfbid0RswYcrah4CfHYuwGUrHo7AyULcvpkPmYwZqc5G7ijEsEedWySCLgKRjiMoMT2G6kl/?app=fbl

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