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As A Muslim, I Hope We'll Not Rush To Bury Bodies Of The Female Suicide Bombers- Captain Garba Shehu

opera.com 2 days ago

An international defense and security consultant named Group Captain Garba Sadeeq Shehu (Retd) has emphasized the significance of finding the individuals responsible for the most recent assaults in Gwoza, Borno State.

Arise TV released a video in which Shehu claimed that the bombers' bodies might yield important forensic evidence that could help stop such assaults in the future.

Shehu suggested that instead of hurrying to bury the bombers' bodies, pictures and fingerprints be obtained in order to identify and ascertain the bombers' identities and origins.

According to him, this strategy will help determine if the bombers were, as is frequently the case, "homegrown" people or recent arrivals. He made these remarks as Nigerian security services struggled to contain the growing threat posed by female suicide bombers in the Northeast.

He claimed security authorities can learn important information about the networks and intentions behind the attacks by examining forensic evidence from the bombers' bodies.

In his words, "Even as a Muslim, I hope we will not rush to bury the bodies of the women (female suicide bombers), because the search for evidence actually starts from the point of detonation."

"From forensics, fingerprints, and pictures, I think there should be a lot of efforts to identify who those ladies are."

"It is only then that we can lay credence to what people are saying about whether they are new influx of people. But in most cases, what we find is that these suicide bombers are homegrown people."

You can watch the footage here from 10:05 minutes.

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