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"These is Historical" Gen Zs overpowers police, hijack, and vandalize a water cannon.

opera.com 2024/9/28

In historical turn of events, peaceful demonstrators in Nairobi CBD have managed to overpower the police and destroy a water cannon along Kenyatta Avenue. The ongoing protests, driven by the fearless spirit of the Gen Z generation, have reached new heights as demonstrators successfully neutralize one of the key tools used by law enforcement to disperse crowds.

The destruction of the water cannon marks a significant moment in the protests, highlighting the determination and resilience of the demonstrators. Videos and eyewitness accounts reveal how protestors, undeterred by the presence of heavily armed police, worked together to overpower the officers and dismantle the water cannon. This act of defiance underscores the protesters' unwavering commitment to their cause.

The determination and courage of the Gen Z protestors were evident as they clung to the moving cannon, unyielding in their mission to neutralize its threat. This act of resistance has never been witnessed before in the history of protests in Nairobi, marking a significant shift in the dynamics between demonstrators and law enforcement.


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