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Shehu Sani to Tinubu: “Under Buhari, nepotism was its peak, don’t make same mistakes”

opera.com 1 day ago

In a candid interview with Channels Television's Sunday Politics, Senator Shehu Sani has issued a warning to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu "avoid the pitfalls of his predecessor, former President Muhammadu Buhari", when it comes to appointments.

Sani, a former activist turned politician, emphasized that Tinubu must prioritize competence over nepotism when selecting state functionaries. He recalled the Buhari administration's appointment policies, which he described as riddled with cronyism.

"The President must be cautious not to repeat the mistakes of his predecessor," Sani cautioned. "I believe he has the experience to understand this. Under Buhari, we witnessed an unprecedented lack of accountability in governance. Ministers were appointed and remained in office for eight years without any significant changes or challenges."

According to politics Nigeria, sani highlighted the perils of stagnation, citing instances where capable individuals were overlooked while incompetent ones were retained for extended periods. "Service chiefs were retained despite their failures, which not only damaged the careers of those who worked under them but also hindered progress in various sectors," he lamented.

The Senator also lamented the impact of nepotism on national development, stating that it often leads to mediocrity and stagnation. "For years, many officers were passed over to appoint one individual," he said. "This is a recipe for disaster, and I urge President Tinubu to adopt a more inclusive approach that prioritizes merit and competence."

By warning Tinubu against following in Buhari's footsteps, Sani hopes to encourage a shift towards a more merit-based appointment system that benefits the nation as a whole.

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