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Itaniletea Shida, Nimepewa Warning, DP Rigathi Gachagua Cries Foul in Bomet

opera.com 4 days ago

A day after defending MPs who voted Yes for the Finance Bill 2024, the Deputy President has revealed that he has been warned.

Speaking on Sunday during a church service in Bomet county, Gachagua said he had received hundreds of messages from Gen Zs warning him against defending the MPs. He said he would no longer defend them and that it was high time such MPs went to the ground and engaged the irate voters by themselves.

According to Gachagua, his sentiments urging Kenyans to forgive the MPs had brought him problems and that going forward, he will be speaking on his own behalf and that of the president alone.

"Itaniletea shida, nimekemewa na vijana all night, na nimepata messages mingi, wameniambia nikae kando sasa mimi nitakua naongea mambo yangu na ya rais peke yake. Nyinyi mkuje ground muongee nao msikizane, these are your employers" stated Gachagua

He said he will continue telling the truth and advising Ruto on matters that should be rectified in government. He said he will point out problems affecting Kenyans and would not shy off from telling Ruto where they are going wong.

"Nyinyi mnataka niongee ukweli ama nidanganye rais? mimi ni truthful men, siku rais alikua anataka mwanaume wa kumsaidia si nilisimama nae? mimi bado niko hapo hadi safari yetu ifike mwisho na njia moja ya kumshauri ni kumwambia vile akenya wanasema. We must not pretend but address issues affecting Kenyans," he stated

He said he would continue helping Ruto move forward together, adding that some people who never supported him in other regions have run to his side and tried lecturing them on how to support Ruto.

He said Ruto should take care of Mt Kenya supporters 87% who voted for them first before they can even think of bringing in the 13% who did not vote for them. He said he will not allow anybody to come between him and the president since they have walked a long journey together

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