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Shehu Sani criticized the disappearance of Rice pyramids after N2t was spent on Anchor Borrowers

opera.com 2 days ago

Shehu Sani, a former senator from Kaduna State, has raised concerns about the usage of two trillion Naira in the Anchor Borrowers program. The program, which is now being probed by the House of Representatives, aimed to support agricultural production, specifically in the cultivation of rice.

However, according to Sani, the funds invested in this program have not yielded the expected results. He mentioned that the supposed rice pyramids that were expected to emerge from this investment vanished quickly, indicating a lack of tangible outcomes from the substantial financial allocation.

This criticism highlights the importance of accountability and transparency in government spending, especially in initiatives designed to boost economic sectors such as agriculture.

The call for investigations by the House of Representatives underscores the need to address any potential misuse or inefficiencies in public spending to ensure that government programs effectively deliver on their intended objectives.

On his Verified X page, Shehu Sani said, "The 2 trillion Naira spent on Anchor Borrowers,now probed by the House of Reps, led us to Rice pyramids that disappeared within the twinkle of an eye."

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