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Even himself, Tinubu, has been a beneficiary of Nolle Prosequi, the records are there–Chekwas Okorie

opera.com 5 days ago

In a recent interview with The Sun, Chief Chekwas Okorie, the Founding National Chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), expressed deep concerns about Nigeria's current state of affairs. Okorie highlighted the severe insecurity plaguing the country, suggesting that it poses a significant threat to national stability. He stressed that without immediate and effective intervention, the escalating insecurity could bring Nigeria to its knees.

Okorie criticized the 1999 constitution, describing it as "obnoxious" and fundamentally flawed. He argued that the document is inherently lopsided and incapable of fostering a fair and democratic practice for all Nigerians. According to Okorie, the constitution's inherent biases and structural issues prevent it from serving as a foundation for equitable governance, thereby contributing to the country's ongoing challenges.

The interview also touched on the disparities in the handling of legal cases involving high-profile figures. Okorie pointed out that while terrorism charges against Miyetti Allah's leader and activist Omoyele Sowore were dropped, leading to their release, Nnamdi Kanu remains in detention. He questioned the rationale behind this inconsistency and called for a resolution to Kanu's prolonged detention. Okorie suggested that this issue, like others, requires a political rather than a judicial solution.

Addressing the broader implications, Okorie noted that even President Tinubu has previously benefited from Nolle Prosequi, implying that he possesses the authority and precedent to resolve Kanu's situation similarly. He urged the President to demonstrate the political will necessary to address the issue, warning that failure to do so could result in severe consequences for the nation. Okorie has consistently advocated for a political solution to Kanu's case since his arrest, maintaining that this approach is crucial to preventing further national turmoil.

He said: Even himself, President Tinubu, has been a beneficiary of Nolle Prosequi, the records are there. I believe he is in a position to resolve it and it is not difficult; it is just the will that is not there. That would save Nigeria an impending calamity and cataclysm if anything happens to Kanu. I have been saying it right from the very first day Kanu was arrested in Lagos, that a political solution would resolve the issue. I have never changed from that position. It is a political solution that can resolve the matter; it is not a matter for the courts.

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