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Samoa agreement in interest of Nigeria —FG

opera.com 2 days ago

According to the reports from Vanguard,Guinea Ecuatorial), Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, and Angola had not signed the Agreement as of the endorsement date. These countries still require time for further consultations and reviews to ensure the Agreement aligns with their national interests.

The SAMOA Agreement, officially known as the "Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States and the European Union and its Member States," has been a subject of discussion and scrutiny since its inception. Some stakeholders and civil society groups have raised concerns about the potential implications of certain provisions on national laws and interests.

However, Minister Idris emphasized that Nigeria's thorough evaluation process, involving multiple ministries and legal experts, ensured that the Agreement's content was consistent with the country's legal framework and strategic objectives. The signing of the Agreement by Nigeria underscores the government's commitment to international cooperation while safeguarding its sovereignty and national interests.

Moving forward, Nigeria aims to leverage the SAMOA Agreement to enhance cooperation with the EU and other OACPS member states in areas such as economic development, environmental sustainability, peace and security, human rights, and migration. By aligning with this partnership framework, Nigeria seeks to benefit from shared resources, knowledge transfer, and market access opportunities that can accelerate its development agenda.

In conclusion, the SAMOA Agreement represents a significant milestone in Nigeria's international relations, signaling a commitment to strategic partnerships for sustainable development. As the government moves to implement the Agreement, it will continue to engage stakeholders transparently and ensure that the interests of the country and its citizens remain paramount in all cooperation initiatives.

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