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" It's Embarrassing" Nairobi Women Rep Esther Passaris Reacts to Proposal to Increase MPs Salaries

opera.com 2 days ago

Nairobi Women Representative has strongly opposed the Salaries and Remuneration Commission's (SRC) proposal to increase salaries for Members of Parliament. She argues that the country is already facing significant financial challenges, and increasing MPs' salaries is inappropriate given the current economic climate.

The Women Rep highlighted the financial struggles that many Kenyans are enduring. She pointed out that MPs are already well-compensated and do not need further salary increments. She described the proposal as fiscally unsustainable and irresponsible, stressing that the country's current economic situation cannot support such increases.

Here is a link: https://x.com/EstherPassaris/status/1808431140459430359?t=6eK7sz9u2sSpI-8qfwNK1w&s=19

She emphasized the need for MPs to lead by example during these tough times. Instead of seeking personal financial gain, she urged her colleagues to focus on the well-being of their constituents. The Representative argued that it is not proper to increase salaries for MPs when the country is struggling financially, and that it is essential to prioritize the needs of the people.

The Women Rep called for austerity measures, urging the government to focus on essential spending and reduce unnecessary expenditures. She stressed the importance of adopting fiscal discipline to stabilize the economy. According to her, cutting down on non-essential spending is crucial for the country's economic recovery.

Her stance reflects growing public sentiment against the proposed salary hike. Many Kenyans are grappling with high living costs and economic uncertainty, and there is widespread opposition to any moves that would increase the financial burden on the government.

The Women Rep’s rejection of the salary increment proposal underscores the need for prudent financial management. She argued that responsible leadership is crucial in steering Kenya towards stability and growth. The government should implement measures to ensure financial stability and sustainable growth, and MPs should be at the forefront of promoting fiscal responsibility.

The Nairobi Women Representative has made it clear that increasing MPs' salaries is not the right move at this time. She called for a focus on austerity and fiscal responsibility to help navigate the country through its economic challenges and towards a more stable and prosperous future.

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