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Colonialization of Africa: Motives Behind it and Tactics Used by The Europeans

opera.com 2 days ago

The colonization of Africa during the late19th and early 20th centuries remains one of the significant chapters in world history. This era witnessed European power take control over vast territories across the African continent, While each country had its unique circumstances, there are several key factors that collectively explain why majority of African nations succumbed to colonialism. In this brief article, we will explore these motives from a formal perspective.

1. Economic Interests and Natural Resources: one primary reason for colonization was Europe's insatiable hunger for natural resources found abundantly in Africa. The discovery of valuable minerals such as gold diamonds, copper, and rubber prompted European powers to establish strongholds in resource-rich regions by exploiting these resources, colonizers gained immense wealth while leaving locals vulnerable to economic hardship.

2. Ethnocentrism and Superiority Complex: ethnocentric belief Europeans played a crucial role in justifying colonization as part of their civilizing mission. This belief system propagated the idea that European culture was superior to indigenous cultures found in Africa, colonizers viewed Africans as "inferior" or uncivilized people who needed guidance from their enlightened rulers.

3. Technological Advantages and Military Advancement: European nations boasted of advanced military technologies during this period compared to most African kingdoms they encountered on African continent. They used advanced weaponry such as machine guns to conquer vast territories with relative forces by overpowering local resistance movements effectively.

4. Fragmented Societies and Political Instability: Africa has diverse geopolitical landscape of various tribal communities with different languages, customs, traditions, social, and political systems prior to colonization. Exploiting existing rivalries between tribes or regions was European way of divide-and-rule strategies, and a tactics deployed successfully by colonizers across numerous African colonies.

Understanding why a significant number of Africans were colonized requires us to assess complex historical factors that influenced this era profoundly. Economic interests driven by natural resource exploitation, ethnocentric combined with technological superiority, fragmented societies, and political instability within Africa itself all contributed significantly. Colonization left lasting impacts on African societies, though positive but mostly negative continuing implications felt even today, this can be seen in multiple aspects like economies or societal structures. As we reflect upon history's lessons learnt from colonization in Africa, it is essential to acknowledge the enduring legacies of this period and work towards a more equitable future for all nations involved.

I hope this article was helpful and you gained valuable insights into the reasons behind African colonization, and also delving into its far-reaching implications for both African nations and their colonizers. Feel free to drop your take on this in the comment section.

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