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He will still return home whenever politics is over, Let him bury his ego and anger- Dele Momodu

opera.com 2024/7/1

Former PDP presidential candidate Dele Momodu recently delivered a compelling speech, urging Nyesom Wike, a prominent PDP leader and the current Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), to reconcile with his supporters and return to his former ways. Momodu took to his official Twitter account to acknowledge Wike's flaws while also highlighting his strengths. He stated, "Say what you will; Mr. Nyesom Wike has what it takes to deliver on good projects."

Momodu praised Wike's ability to initiate and complete ambitious projects, noting his courage in undertaking bold initiatives and his capacity to hire top-notch contractors for outstanding results. He recognized that, like all humans, Wike has his share of weaknesses and peculiarities. 

Expressing concerns about Wike's dependence on financial influence, Momodu remarked, "He tends to believe that money has the power to sway anyone and achieve anything. If you demonstrate that this notion is false, he becomes furious." Momodu criticized Wike's leadership style, asserting that Wike engages in conflict with every perceived opponent, whether real or imagined. According to Momodu, Wike lacks the discernment to know when to back down, likening him to a general fighting on all fronts, thereby exposing vulnerabilities.

In his closing remarks, Momodu made a heartfelt appeal for peace, suggesting that Wike should reconsider his approach and reconcile with his community. He emphasized that, ultimately, Wike would return home once his political career is over. Momodu advised, "Let him bury his ego and anger. He has much more to gain or lose."

This call for reconciliation and introspection underscores the importance of unity and humility in leadership, urging Wike to reflect on his actions and seek harmony within his political and personal relationships.

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