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SouthEast: That Part Of The Country Has Suffered A Lot Of Injustice - Shehu Sani

opera.com 2 days ago

Human rights crusader and public commentator, Senator Shehu Sani has asserted that the southeast has suffered a lot of injustice resulting from a problem that is not theirs.

Speaking on restructuring in an interview with The Sun, Shehu Sani said that if Nigeria is not going to go back to six regional arrangements, it will be a thing of fairness and justice that the southeast be made equal with other zones. He said that if necessary, the region should be given a state they need to bring development to that part of the country.

Speaking further, Shehu noted that the Southeast has suffered injustice and that they're carrying a historical stigma that is passing from parents to children and grandchildren. He cautioned that such a thing is dangerous for the unity of Nigeria.

In his words; First of all, if we are talking about Nigeria’s future, a restructure, we cannot be talking about creating states. A reconfigured Nigeria will lead to dissolution of states, at least, we have six regions and then, from there, regions will be able to work out policies and programmes and generating revenue to sustain them. And if we are going to do that, I don’t think the issue of state creation should be a topic."

He added "But if we are not going to go back into six regional arrangements, it is fair and just that the Southeast will be equalised with other zones and be given a state that they need if that will bring development to that part of the country. That part of the country has suffered a lot of injustice for a problem that is not theirs and they are carrying a historical stigma which is passing from parents to children and to grandchildren and that is a very dangerous thing for the unity of the country."

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