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Makueni, AFA launch Workshop on Coffee Regulations to Enhance Sector Growth

opera.com 3 days ago

The County Department of Agriculture, in partnership with the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA), held a sensitization workshop on the Coffee Regulations 2019 on Wednesday as part of broader strategy to rejuvenate the coffee sector in Makueni, aiming to enhance the livelihoods of coffee farmers and contribute to the county's economic growth.

The workshop targeted selected extension officers and members of the Kikima Cooperative Society board.

The training aimed to acquaint them with the regulations and emphasized the importance of the new regulations in improving coffee quality and production efficiency.

The partners discussed various aspects of the regulation framework including standards for cultivation, processing, and marketing of coffee. The regulations also cover the rights and responsibilities of farmers, cooperative societies, and other stakeholders in the coffee industry.

The extension officers and cooperative society members will disseminate the knowledge gained to farmers, to ensure widespread compliance and benefit. As the sensitization program rolls out across the. coffee growing areas in Makueni, it is expected to boost farmers' productivity and profitability.

The workshop, held in Kikima, was graced by Livestock and Cooperative Development Chief Officer Japheth Kiminza and County Director of Agriculture Mary Muteti.

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