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VIDEO: Exit That Office as Soon as Possible, Ruto Told by Ex-presidential Aspirant

opera.com 2 days ago

A former presidential candidate, Jimmy Wanjigi has threatened President William Ruto with a notice to quit his presidency post as Kenyans continue to protest over the government’s mismanagement of the economy and embezzlement of public funds.

Wanjigi a businessman of some repute also labeled Ruto as an illegitimate president due to mismanagement of resources and embezzlement of funds in the budget.

"William Ruto, this is a situation beyond you and to us Kenyans, you have lost your legitimacy to solve our problems. This is a now moment." Wanjigi said.

Wanjigi referred to the current disturbance as a non-violent revolution that the government is trying to quell through force.

"What you are seeing in this country is a bloodless revolution that you are trying to make bloody,” Wanjigi warned, adding, “Leave that office as soon as possible, we may make you be somebody who flees this country and never comes back”.

Regarding the financial accountability, the businessman posed severe challenges to the government especially in terms of borrowed monies and their non-inclusion in the national budget.

"If you are going to borrow 1. 3 trillion which was a short one we borrowed 7. 4 trillion What was that money used for? It doesn’t appear in the budget you minus 1. 3 from 7. 4 about 6 trillion which is nowhere in the budget."

Jimmy further criticized the management of euro bonds, saying there was poor accountability or transparency.

“I said to them to show you this what ever bonds, because 7 billion euro bonds were taken. This too was taken in 2013, that we were struggling to pay the other day, but the total euro bonds are 7 billion. Show me where it is in the budget, 3200 something, you can’t find it. ”

VIDEO LINK: https://x.com/FGaitho237/status/1807918792787611742?t=8n3u_4GTf9pflgnuwpwAYg&s=19

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