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Six Prominent Politicians, 2 NGos & Businessmen Under Investigation For Hiring Goons During Protests

opera.com 2 days ago

The Wednesday Nation reports that the investigative agencies in the country have narrowed down on six prominent politicians, two non-governmental organisations, and a businessman for the recent violence witnessed during Gen Z protests.

The mentioned are believed to be behind the recent wave of violence witnessed during the protests, which saw some protestors lose their valuable properties, such as phones and bags.

The goons also caused chaos and mayhem, which hindered the smooth flow of the once-peaceful protests.

Photo Courtesy of the Star

The Tuesday protests, which entered the third week, witnessed very sad scenes as goons attacked business premises in broad daylight, making some Kenyans think that the protests had been infiltrated by some hired goons. Some people blamed some politicians for being behind that.

NTV journalist James Smart commented on Tuesday about the presence of goons during the protests and said they must have been hired by the political class to further their agenda.

He said the move was being used by politicians so that they could regain control of the public ear. James Smart added that the goons will be used to cause much violence until the protestors start blaming themselves for the events.

Protestors in the streets

"Organised criminal gangs are a preserve of Kenya's political class. What's happening now is an attempt to transfer legitimate public anger into a construct that allows the political class to regain control of the microphone. They will cause so much violence to turn off the public from ever raising a voice because the average peaceful protester will now blame themselves for the chaos," James Smart said.

Activist Boniface Mwangi weighed in about the infiltration of protests by goons. He said the president should ensure that those responsible are brought to justice for breaking the law.

"If I were president and fellow politicians hired crooks to harass innocent people and loot, I would spend state resources to ensure that those responsible face the full wrath of the law. How dare you break the law? Or maybe it’s Ruto paying the goons because he stands to benefit?" Boniface Mwangi.

As time goes by, Kenyans expect to get full information from the authorities on who those behind the hiring of goons are.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/100064434804092/posts/882050060619479/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

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