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Enhanced Teacher Allowances Proposed in TSC Amendment Bill 2024

opera.com 2 days ago

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Amendment Bill 2024, currently under parliamentary review, seeks to introduce significant changes to teachers' allowances aimed at enhancing their financial benefits. If passed, this bill will redefine the remuneration structure for educators, introducing nine key allowances tailored to various aspects of their service.

Firstly, the bill proposes a House Allowance for all TSC-employed teachers, with rates determined by the commission. Notably, teachers under interdiction will continue to receive their full house allowance until their cases are resolved. Additionally, a Commuter Allowance is slated for eligible teachers, excluding those under interdiction or suspension.

Teachers assigned to schools in designated hardship areas will receive a Hardship Allowance, calculated based on specified rates. The Special Duty Allowance will be available to teachers undertaking administrative roles beyond their job group and those stationed in arid and semi-arid regions. This allowance ceases upon teacher transfer or relief from administrative duties.

Responsibility Allowance will be paid to heads of institutions, deputy heads, and senior teachers in job group ‘K’, ceasing upon retirement or cessation of administrative duties. Special School Allowance aims at teachers in special schools or units, with rates determined by the Commission.

Other allowances include the Reader’s Facilitation or Aid Allowance, funded by the National Council of Persons with Disabilities, supporting teachers with disabilities. An annual Leave Allowance and Transfer Allowance will also be provided based on commission-set rates.

The TSC Amendment Bill 2024 represents a comprehensive effort to improve teachers' financial well-being and recognize their diverse roles within the education sector. Its allowances are designed to address various professional challenges and ensure equitable compensation across different teaching environments.

Source (https://teachersmediahub.co.ke/list-of-tsc-teachers-9-allowances-in-amendment-bill-2024/)

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