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John Steenhuisen Reveals the 5 Plans he has for South Africa: Read Here

opera.com 4 days ago

John Steenhuisen, the leader of South Africa's Democratic Alliance (DA), has stepped into a new role as Minister of Agriculture in the recently formed government of national unity (GNU). This appointment comes after weeks of intense negotiations between the DA and the African National Congress (ANC).

Speaking to Daily Maverick, Steenhuisen described the talks as "very challenging", noting that it was "new territory for both parties". He explained, "We have never negotiated a national coalition and we certainly have never negotiated with the ANC before."

The DA secured six Cabinet positions and six deputy minister roles in the GNU. Steenhuisen emphasized the importance of having a strong negotiating team and keeping the party informed throughout the process.

One of the main criticisms levelled at Steenhuisen is his lack of tertiary education. Addressing this, he said, "I think people can judge me through the job I do." He pointed out that qualifications are not a requirement for ministers worldwide, citing former Finance Minister Trevor Manuel as an example of success without specific qualifications in his field.

As the new Agriculture Minister, Steenhuisen outlined his top priorities:

1. Accelerating the agriculture and agro-processing master plan.

2. Establishing an open-door policy with organised agriculture sectors.

3. Addressing constraints in the sector, particularly infrastructure issues.

4. Tackling stock theft and security concerns.

5. Ensuring food security and policy certainty around property ownership.

Steenhuisen also addressed the issue of farm killings, acknowledging the need for greater cooperation between rural safety networks, the South African National Defence Force, and the police. He suggested the use of new technologies, such as drones, to improve monitoring of agricultural land.

The appointment of Steenhuisen and other DA members to the cabinet marks a significant shift in South African politics. The DA leader stated, "The configuration we have managed to negotiate ensures that, alongside the ANC, the DA is the only other party that is now represented across every one of the clusters in government."

As South Africa embarks on this new political journey, many are watching to see how the GNU will address the country's pressing issues, including economic growth, job creation, and service delivery.

How might the inclusion of opposition parties in the national government change the political landscape and policy-making process in South Africa?



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