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Nationwide Protest Hits South Africa As Citizens Demand The Removal Of This Cabinet

opera.com 3 days ago

OperationDudula and other organizations are gearing up for a National Mass March to demand the removal of Leon Schreiber, a DA member allegedly holding Zimbabwean citizenship, from the Department of Home Affairs. The march comes in response to Schreiber's controversial views on visas and immigration, which have sparked widespread outrage.

Schreiber has been accused of prioritizing the interests of foreigners over those of South African citizens, with his stance on visas being seen as particularly divisive. His comments have been met with fierce criticism, with many labeling them as "nonsensical" and "arrogant". The ATM party has already lodged a formal complaint against Schreiber, signaling a growing backlash against his views.

The march organizers contend that Schreiber's stance on immigration is not only misguided but also dangerous, as it ignores the harsh realities faced by South African citizens, including farm murders and unemployment. They argue that his policies would only serve to further disenfranchise marginalized communities and undermine national security.

The National Mass March is expected to draw thousands of participants from across the country, all united in their call for Schreiber's removal from the Department of Home Affairs. The march is seen as a vital show of strength and a testament to the growing frustration among South Africans with the government's handling of immigration and related issues.

As tensions surrounding Schreiber's views continue to escalate, the march is likely to be a pivotal moment in the ongoing debate around immigration and national identity. With emotions running high, all eyes will be on the government's response to the march and the demands of the people.

In conclusion, the National Mass March represents a critical juncture in the ongoing struggle for a more inclusive and equitable South Africa. As citizens come together to demand change, it remains to be seen how the government will respond to their calls and whether meaningful action will be taken to address the pressing issues at hand.

Source: Link

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