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5 Travelers Were Intercepted On Their Way Out Of SA, See The Unthinkable They Were Caught With

opera.com 4 days ago

Commissioner Michael Masiapato has praised the Junior Border Guards at the Qashasnek port of entry for their exemplary work in intercepting five travelers carrying R1.48 million in concealed cash on June 25, 2024. This successful operation, conducted in collaboration with the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and the South African Police Service (SAPS), also led to the arrest of four undocumented Lesotho nationals who had previously been declared undesirable.

Commissioner Masiapato lauded the Junior Border Guards for their vigilance and dedication. "The interception of such a significant amount of concealed cash is a testament to the professionalism and sharp instincts of our border security personnel. Their efforts are crucial in maintaining the integrity and security of our borders," he stated.

The operation unfolded when border guards, acting on a tip-off, conducted a thorough search of the travelers at the Qashasnek port of entry. The concealed cash, amounting to R1.48 million, was discovered hidden within their luggage. The source and intended use of the money are currently under investigation.

In addition to the cash seizure, the joint operation also resulted in the apprehension of four undocumented Lesotho nationals. These individuals had previously been declared undesirable by South African authorities due to past infractions. Their arrest underscores the ongoing challenges and efforts in managing and securing the country's borders.

Brigadier Thandi Makhubela, spokesperson for the SANDF, highlighted the importance of such collaborative operations. "The success of this operation demonstrates the strength of our joint efforts with SAPS and border security teams. Working together, we can effectively address and mitigate threats to our national security."

Public response to the operation has been overwhelmingly positive, with many citizens expressing their gratitude for the diligent work of the border security forces. Local resident Sipho Ndlovu commented, "It's reassuring to see our border guards and security forces taking such proactive measures to protect our country from illicit activities."

As the investigation into the concealed cash continues, authorities are determined to uncover the origins and intended destination of the money. The travelers intercepted with the cash are currently in custody and face charges related to money laundering and attempting to cross the border with undeclared funds.

The apprehended Lesotho nationals are being processed according to immigration laws and will likely face deportation. Their previous status as undesirable persons in South Africa adds another layer of complexity to their case, highlighting the challenges faced by border security in managing undocumented individuals.

Commissioner Masiapato's commendation of the Junior Border Guards serves as an encouragement for continued vigilance and dedication among border security personnel. "Our Junior Border Guards have set a high standard with this operation. Their commitment to duty and country is exemplary, and I urge all our security forces to continue this level of excellence," Masiapato added. This operation at the Qashasnek port of entry underscores the critical role of coordinated security efforts in safeguarding South Africa's borders and maintaining national security.

Source: https://x.com/newslivesa/status/1806938556574683286?t=T63UbR3_2HQxIcn98Prlhg&s=19

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