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BREAKING: Ruto Gives 8-Days Ultimatum For Gen-Z To Do This, Orders Creation of 100-Member Committee

opera.com 4 days ago

His Excellency the Head of State Dr William Ruto has now issued fresh directions on what will be the way forward with regard to the anti-government demonstrations centered on the Finance Bill 2024.

In an executive statement on Saturday, June 29, President Ruto has demanded that a 100-member committee is formed as soon as possible in order to address the issues raised by the youth (Gen-Z) demonstrators.

He has directed that the youth forms a National Multi-Sectoral Forum (NMSF) before and names of its leaders be presented to his office before or on 7th July 2024.

At the same time, the President directed other national level agencies and organizations including the religious organizations, business community, academia, student leadership, National Assembly Majority and minority groups, council of governors to nominate two members each to represent their views at the National Steering Committee.

The forum will be expected to discuss issues touching on job creation and opportunities, tax policies, national debt, corruption, representation and accountability and other agendas.

Credit: https://x.com/HusseinMohamedg/status/1807023717131665822?t=HasTUFk1vxAsk_bZ5xaCvw&s=19

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