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Cabinet Reshuffle Looms As Mudavadi, Ndii & Over 30 KK Leaders Face Exit As Pressure Mounts On Ruto

opera.com 3 days ago

Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale has urged President William Ruto to dissolve and reconstitute his cabinet.

Speaking at a Senate session on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, Khalwale asserted that the current cabinet has failed the president.

He also called for the elimination of what he considers unconstitutional offices, specifically mentioning the Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) positions and the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary, held by Musalia Mudavadi, leader of the Amani National Congress (ANC) party.

"Mr President, dissolve your cabinet and reconstitute it. Mr President, disband offices outside the Constitution, including Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS), including Prime Cabinet Secretary, including the Offices of the First Lady," Khalwale said.

Khalwale further encouraged the President to remove some advisors, pointing out that some advisors have not been beneficial to the government's executive branch.

The senator went on to say that Ruto need to fire a few officials and promptly reorganize the security apparatus. When it came to Japhet Koome's dismissal as Inspector General of Police, Khalwale was clear. The instability in the nation stemmed from protests against the government and the Finance Bill 2024.

"Disband some advisors, because if the advisors are useful, then what David Ndii is doing is not advising, it is misadvising. The president should quickly restructure the security organs by firing some people, the IG included," Khalwale stated.

Khalwale's comments are being made in the midst of a discussion about public spending on salaries and wages following the Salaries and Remuneration Commission's (SRC) proposal to raise the pay of senior state officers and members of parliament.

The Senate Majority Leader, who also spoke on the Senate floor, and Senator Kericho both recommended that the legislators reject the pay increases recommended by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).

According to Cheruiyot, the SRC should make sure that the nation's public spending on salaries and wages is lowered from the present 46% to the required 35%.

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