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Mpofu Urges ANC to Pursue Land Justice and Affirmative Action

opera.com 3 days ago

In a pointed message on X, prominent lawyer and political figure Dali Mpofu urged the African National Congress (ANC) to understand that seeking amendments to the Constitution is inherently constitutional. His statement comes amid ongoing debates about the Government of National Unity (GNU) and the broader political landscape in South Africa.

"ANC MUST GRASP THAT to seek ANY amendments to the Constitution is VERY constitutional," Mpofu wrote. He emphasized that it is not the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) or the Mkhonto weSizwe (MK) who reject the Constitution, but rather the Democratic Alliance (DA) and Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus) through their rejection of section 9, the equality clause.

Mpofu's message highlights a critical point of contention in South African politics: the interpretation and application of constitutional principles, particularly regarding equality. He argues, "THERE CAN BE NO EQUALITY WITHOUT LAND JUSTICE, BBBEE & AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!" This assertion underscores his belief that true equality can only be achieved through comprehensive land reform, Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE), and affirmative action policies.

The post has sparked significant discussion on social media, with supporters lauding Mpofu for his forthrightness and critics questioning the feasibility and implications of his proposals. The conversation reflects broader societal debates about how to address historical injustices and achieve genuine equality in South Africa.

Mpofu's statement is a clarion call to the ANC to pursue constitutional amendments that would facilitate these reforms. It positions the ANC as needing to align more closely with parties like the EFF and MK, who advocate for these changes, while positioning the DA and FF Plus as obstacles to achieving constitutional equality.

This discourse is crucial as South Africa grapples with its past and looks to build a more equitable future. The role of constitutional amendments in this process is a contentious but necessary discussion, highlighting the ongoing struggle for justice and equality in the country. Mpofu’s words serve as a reminder of the constitutional mechanisms available to pursue these goals and the political will required to implement them.



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