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Johnson Muthama Codemns Goons Who Have Hijacked Gen Z Peaceful Protest

opera.com 2 days ago

Former Machakos Senator Johnson Muthama has expressed his dismay over the transformation of initially peaceful protests into scenes of looting, mayhem, and destruction.

Muthama condemned the actions of opportunists and criminals who have hijacked the demonstrations, undermining the genuine intentions of the protestors.

"It is unfortunate that what started as peaceful protests has now been hijacked by opportunists and goons who are looting, creating mayhem, and destroying property and infrastructure. This has undermined the genuine protestors and their agenda," Muthama stated.

The situation has escalated, causing significant damage to public and private property, and creating a sense of fear and instability within the affected communities.

Muthama called on the respective authorities to take immediate action to restore order and ensure the culprits are held accountable.

"Respective authorities must take charge and identify these individuals so they can be brought to justice. Picketing is a constitutional right, but it must be exercised within the law," he added.

As the protests continue, there is growing concern over the safety and security of the public. Authorities are urged to strike a balance between upholding the right to peaceful protest and maintaining law and order. The public remains hopeful that swift and decisive action will be taken to address the current unrest and preserve the integrity of lawful demonstrations.

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