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A Grade 7 Boy Dies After Falling In A School 4 Million Litres Water Tank

opera.com 2024/10/5

A Grade 7 Boy Die After Falling In A School Water Tank

A boy Left home yesterday Morning so happy n Jovial as he went to fight the poverty at their home. He was so determine and ready to work hard. Later, due to carefulessness of the school the child is now in a mortuary.

Lemi tell you what kind of a child Rwanyange Primary you have killed. His aunt narrates what happened and what kind of a person he was.

"My Brother's First Born Son Evans but we nicknamed him Tiffany or Tiffa was Born in 2009. Later after Birth My Bro moved home with his Wife but after some years My Brother left home without a trace just before the 2nd Born Daughter was Born. 

One Sunday While my late Mum was in church she was informed there is a Child left crying at our home gate near the road. He found it's Tiffany who was 3 Years and his 6 months old Sister. Their mother also Disappeared without a trace.

My Mum took over the responsibility of bringing up the two grandchildren. She did it so well and they received the best care ever. 

In 2017, 2 years later, the Mother to these Two Angels came from nowhere and Stole her 2 children One Sunday afternoon while my mother was at Neighbour's church Fellowship. 

It pained My mother alot and made her sick with stomach ulcers, she developed worse complications and Later died of Cancer, same year on 14th August 2017. After some years we learnt they were taken to Igembe (where their mother comes from)

Tiffany continued with education in Igembe while staying at Her Grandparents home from Igembe. Sometimes last here I started tracing my Brother who disappeared and in the process I started communication with the Mother to Tiffa. She told me the children were going to school well But Tiffa kept saying he wants to go back to Ntagu(My Father)

One day, This year in January I received a Call from dad that The boy who left home in 2017 has come. The Boy travelled by himself from Kabúitú the farthest end of Igembe Central Constituency to Rwanyange. The main reason for coming was in search of a better place he could persue education and one day Help his Mother, Younger Siblings and change the story of poverty in the family.

My Dad took the responsibility of staying with the boy at Home, My brother was to attend any school meetings or any urgent Guardian call at School while for me I carried the responsibility of paying school feels, buying Uniforms, books and any financial need.

The Boy was so happy and settled, seeing his dream on the right path. The first term Midterm exams in Grade 7, Which he joined in February, he was ranked 45 out of 50. By the end of term, He was Ranked position 15 out of 50. 

He Loved Education because he knew it was the only sure way to fight poverty.At Rwanyange Primary and JSS There is a Big Concrete tank that accommodate 2Million Litres of water. Yesterday My Brother while at a nearby market near the school heard there is a child who has fallen in the water tank n Called me and informed me that they is a child who has fallen in a tank. After 2 minutes he called again and said that they have found Tiffa's clothes near the tank and they know their child is dead.

Apparently, the 2 Million Litre water tank got spoilt the Outlet that Pupils used to fetch water from the tank some times Back. Instead of repairing water fetching outlet the school decided to be sending pupils inside the tank to fetch water manually. One student would take of clothes and be left with sports short, Then get inside the completely sealed tank via the small Opening that has a radder. He would fetch and give other pupils outside the tank. The water was only used for cleaning classes so ,mainly it's only pupils on cleaning duty depended on the tank.

When My Brother's First Born Son Evans went in to fetch water, fellow pupils who were there say he slipped and fell inside the tank. They immediately screamed and Called the teachers. The school didn't help My Brother's Son and he drowned to his painful death.

They only called a fire and rescue team an Hour Later to retrieve the body. Repairing the outlet pipe, that could have costed so little, became more expensive than the soul of this innocent Boy.

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