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Stop wasting Banana peels. Place Banana peels in a bottle and watch what happens.

opera.com 2024/7/6

Bananas are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, specifically in the region that encompasses present-day Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. They are an excellent source of essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Potassium helps maintain proper heart function and regulates blood pressure, while vitamin C supports the immune system and skin health. Vitamin B6 is crucial for brain health and helps in the production of neurotransmitters. Additionally, bananas provide dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting regular bowel movements. Their natural sugars offer a quick energy boost, making them a popular snack for athletes and active individuals.

Useful benefits of Banana peels :

1. Banana Peel Tea: Steep a banana peel in water for 48 hours to create a nutrient-rich tea for watering plants.

2. Direct Soil Enrichment: Chop and bury banana peels in the garden soil to decompose naturally, enriching the soil with nutrients.

3. Composting: Add banana peels to your compost bin to enhance the quality of the compost with additional nutrients.

4. Dry Fertilizer: Dry and grind banana peels into powder to use as a soil amendment before planting.

5. Plant Whole Peels: Place whole banana peels in soil trenches before planting seeds to provide nutrients directly to the roots as they decompose.

6. Fertilizer Spray: Create a spray by mixing banana peel extract with eggshells and Epsom salt, which provides magnesium.

7. Natural Insect Trap: Soak banana peels in apple cider vinegar to create an organic insect trap.

8. Banana Vinegar: Ferment banana peels to make vinegar for watering acid-loving plants.

Source : https://www.facebook.com/1348057570/posts/pfbid02oQKKdyfHRQYzDQr3qBRNdWA1HmsKNF9NMMLKuT52BAuDX3CmQZEFdWnGtVxA8fUZl/?mibextid=gCKIF74uMc067w57

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