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Kenyans React After Eric Asked Ruto This Question During An Interview

opera.com 6 days ago

Eric Latif was among the journalists who hold a roundtable with president William Ruto at State House Nairobi on Sunday night. When his turn came to ask president Ruto questions, one of his questions was from Kenyans who wanted to know when the president will stop lying to them. Eric said that before going to meet president Ruto, they had met with Kenyans who gave them questions to ask the president on their behalf.

"We asked people before we came here what questions we should ask you and one thing that was coming out was, "When will he stop lying?," asked Eric Latif. President Ruto on his side said that he had told those Kenyans that he would reduce the price of fertilizer from KShs 7000 shillings to KShs 2500 which he did.

"I told the people of Kenya that I would reduce the price of fertilizer from KShs 7000 shillings to KShs 2500 shillings, I don't know how that is a lie because they buy it at KShs 2500 shillings. Whether you believe me or not, facts will not change. Facts are not changed by who says it," president Ruto defended himself. This question caught the attention of Kenyans who said that Eric was sent by Azimio saying that he is a political broker.

"Erick lactif is a political broker. Huyu ametumwa na azimio. (He has been sent by Azimio)," reacted Ismael Kipngeno. "The most stressful job on earth. I wonder why people fight for it," added pastor Donald.


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