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Principal makes student kneel down for not calling him king

opera.com 3 days ago

A recent video showing a school principal forcing his students to kneel for not addressing him as "The King" has taken social media by storm. The footage, which quickly went viral, has garnered millions of views, thousands of likes, and an avalanche of comments, sparking heated debates across various platforms.

In the video, the principal, whose identity remains undisclosed, is seen admonishing a group of students before making them kneel. According to witnesses, the principal was enforcing a rule that required students to refer to him as "The King," a title he reportedly adopted to instill discipline and respect. The students' failure to comply with this unusual demand led to their public punishment.

The incident has elicited mixed reactions online. Many viewers expressed outrage and disbelief, condemning the principal's actions as authoritarian and inappropriate. "This is a clear abuse of power," one user commented. "No educator should demand such submissiveness from students." Another user wrote, "This is not discipline; it's humiliation."

On the other hand, a minority of commenters defended the principal, arguing that strict discipline is sometimes necessary to maintain order and respect in educational institutions. "Kids today lack respect for authority," one supporter remarked. "Maybe this principal's methods are extreme, but they might be effective."

The local school board has announced an investigation into the incident, stating that the principal's actions, as portrayed in the video, do not align with the district's values and policies. "We are taking this matter very seriously and are committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all our students," a spokesperson said.

As the debate continues to rage online, this incident raises important questions about the balance between discipline and respect in schools. It underscores the need for clear, fair, and humane disciplinary practices that uphold the dignity of both students and educators.

Here is the link to the video:https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr6GQ1Tw/

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