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Retired KDF General Reveals Only Power Taken Away From KDFs While Dealing with Criminals In CBD

opera.com 3 days ago

Former prime minister of Kenya, Honorable Raila Odinga has expressed his concern following the deployment of the Kenya Kwanza Defence Forces in different parts of the country.

Several sources have confirmed that the government has revealed that the Kenya Defense Forces are going to be deployed to stop chaos that has been breaking out amid protests in the country.

Speaking about this, Mr Raila Odinga has called out the government for allegedly turning the country into a military state.

According to the reports given by the former prime minister of Kenya, the ongoing situation in the country does not call for the deployment of the Kenya Defense Forces.

Retired Major Julius Minyori who was speaking about this has stated that the only power that has been taken away from the Kenya Defense Forces is investigations.

Mr. Julius went on to say that rogue individuals are going to be dealt with there and then, just like police officers would do.

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