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Why Gachagua Was Allegedly Forced to End his Speech at Kaplong as Enraged Motorist Started Doing This

opera.com 5 days ago

Photo Courtesy, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

In a video that has been posted by Orange Democratic Party communication director Philip Etale, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua was compelled to cut short his speech at the Kisii-Kaplong junction in Bomet County after impatient motorists disrupted the event. The Deputy President had stopped to address citizens, but the ensuing traffic hold-up quickly frustrated drivers.

As Gachagua began his address, the motorists already inconvenienced by the unexpected delay, started honking their horns relentlessly. The noise made it clear that the drivers were not willing to wait, expressing their frustration at the unnecessary traffic jam caused by the impromptu roadside rally.

The situation escalated as the honking grew louder, drowning out Gachagua's speech. Recognizing the growing impatience and the need to clear the traffic, Gachagua was left with no choice but to conclude his address prematurely.

This incident reflects a broader sentiment among many Kenyans who are increasingly tired of political interruptions that disrupt their daily lives. The frustration is particularly directed at the Kenya Kwanza administration, with citizens feeling weary of the frequent public appearances and speeches that often lead to significant inconveniences.

Motorists in Bomet County clearly demonstrated their discontent, prioritizing their need to move along the busy junction over the political address. This event underscores the importance of balancing political engagements with the practical concerns of the public, especially in areas where traffic congestion is a frequent issue.

As Kenyans continue to express their dissatisfaction with such disruptions, it serves as a reminder to political leaders to consider more appropriate venues and times for their addresses, ensuring they do not interfere with the daily routines of the citizens.



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