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President Ruto Cracks the Ribs of Kenyans as Speaks on His Nickname 'Zakayo' (Tax Collector)

opera.com 5 days ago

President William Ruto openly addressed his nickname "Zakayo," showing his commitment to Kenya's economic stability. The moniker, a reference to the biblical tax collector Zacchaeus, has been humorously adopted by some Kenyans in response to Ruto's fiscal policies aimed at curbing the nation's debt.

"If I am called Zakayo because I have explained to Kenyans that the option we have is if we continue borrowing we will go down the cliff, I don’t mind being called Zakayo because it is a sacrifice worth making," President Ruto stated.

He emphasized the gravity of Kenya's financial situation and the necessity of stringent measures to prevent a debt crisis.

President Ruto's remarks showed his administration's dedication to reducing reliance on external borrowing, a strategy aimed at safeguarding the nation's economic future.

He framed the nickname as a testament to his willingness to make unpopular decisions for the greater good of the country, showing the long-term benefits of financial prudence.

The President's light-hearted acceptance of the nickname resonated with many, illustrating his approachable and relatable leadership style. By acknowledging the moniker in a public forum, Ruto demonstrated his commitment to transparency and open communication with the Kenyan people.

President Ruto's administration continues to prioritize fiscal responsibility, focusing on sustainable growth and debt management to ensure a stable economic environment for future generations.

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