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Boni Khalwale Turns His Back on Secretary Generals of Political Parties, Sends This Message to Them

opera.com 4 days ago

Senator Boni Khalwale had voiced his frustration over what he perceived as the impunity exhibited by certain political leaders. Khalwale's statement were directed at the Secretary Generals of political parties who, he claimed, misuse state resources and privileges at the expense of ordinary citizens and lawmakers.

"You are there struggling to rush to this Senate, then a Secretary-General of a political party comes with chase cars. His vehicle has the national flag with a siren and the police do not arrest these people. This is the impunity that is making the young people turn against us," Khalwale said.

Boni Khalwale's statement showed a growing discontent among the public, particularly the youth, towards political leaders who appear to exploit their positions for personal gain. By using chase cars, national flags, and sirens—typically reserved for high-ranking officials—these political party Secretaries General are seen as flaunting their power and disregarding the rule of law.

The preferential treatment and lack of repercussions for such actions contribute to a sense of injustice and disillusionment among the populace. The statement made by Boni Khalwale claimed that this perceived impunity is eroding trust in political institutions and fueling youth disenchantment.

Boni Khalwale urged for a return to integrity and equality in public service. His message was welcomed by several people with a demand for leaders to respect the laws they are meant to uphold and to serve as examples rather than exceptions.

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