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Azimio Now Sends A Notice To President William Ruto Over IEBC Bill

opera.com 2 days ago

Today in the afternoon, the Azimio-One Kenya coalition lead by the Wiper party leader hon Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka has come out to send a notice to the president of this country, Dr William Samoe Ruto concerning the IEBC ahead of the 2027 general elections.

As reported by the Nation Africa, Azimio has now written to president William Ruto a notice requesting him to sign the 2024 IEBC amendment bill. According to Kalonzo Musyoka who was addressing the press, the president should do this so as to pave the way for the recruitment of the new IEBC commissioners. Kalonzo said that this is the first step in preparing the country for the next general elections and this should be done as early as now.

This is coming in just some few days after president William Ruto announced that he was going to reconstitute the IEBC within 10 days. Ruto said this during his interview on sunday.

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