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McPherson " There is no room for Construction Mafia, we'll meet them headon, no negotiations"

opera.com 2 days ago

Businesses in the construction sector, have been terrorized and threatened by a syndicate known as 'Construction Mafia'. The previous government met the syndicate, trying to negotiate with them. Now the newly appointed Public Works Minister Dean Macpherson, has listed meeting the construction mafia head-on as one of his priorities as he takes office. McPherson is heading Public Works Department with former Kwa Zulu Natal premiere Sihle Zikalala as his deputy.

This is what Macpherson said about the syndicate " I’m absolutely clear that there is no room or space for the construction mafia in South Africa. We cannot and will not allow infrastructure projects, for the benefit of communities to be halted due to violence and extortion. No negotiations will take place."

The delay in infrastructure projects not only deny South Africans service delivery, but increase the costs and efficiency of completing projects on time and on budget. The quality of the project is also affected. The new minister will work with law enforcement officers, to ensure that the construction sector gets revived and that will create the much needed jobs.

“We’ve got to be able to meet them head-on. I’m not looking to do so in a violent or confrontational way, but they need to know that we are drawing a line in the sand. There is no room for negotiation. If a project is going to proceed it must proceed, but we also need the partnership of the SAPS [South African Police Service]. They need to do their job in maintaining law and order.”

The construction mafia is being investigated by Special Investigating Unit (SIU) for various crimes including, holding projects and contractors hostage, causing major delays in the construction space, and demanding payment from construction companies. The group also demand tenders in projects, without following the right channels.




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