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Senior Magistrate Gives Bread And Milk To 3 Gen Z Who Fainted In Court Due To Hunger

opera.com 2024/10/5

Three of the 185 suspects who were arrested on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 for participating in the protest against the Finance Bill 2024 fainted at the Milimani Court on Wednesday night. Senior judge Wandia Nyamu had to order the police to find milk to give the suspects "not to die in the courtroom." "Give the children milk. Take milk from my office and give it to these children," Mrs. Nyamu ordered the police officers who were patrolling the court.

The protesters aged between 16-17 told the judge that since they were arrested they were not given food. "Sir, we are starving. We were not given water, tea or bread or any other food since we were arrested by the police," one suspect confessed as his voice faded and then he almost died. The three were so weak that standing was a problem.

Seeing that the suspects were starving, the judge ordered them to be taken out of the courtroom and given milk and first aid. The police took the suspects out and gave them milk. After half an hour, the suspects returned to the hall where the case was being heard and asked to be released.

Apart from the three, many suspects claimed they were beaten and injured. More than 20 suspects could not stand even to enter the court hall, they crawled like a child because their legs did not have the strength to walk. "Many of the suspects here have been beaten and are suffering from physical injuries. Others have been beaten and tortured and they can't even defecate due to the pain they are in," 17 lawyers led by Levi Munyeri told the court.

"The way you see the suspects, they are suffering from injuries, they have been tortured and beaten mercilessly by police officers," lawyer Levi Munyeri told the judge. Mr Munyeri along with lawyers Suyianka Lempaaa, Wahome Thuku and Hosea Mwanwa asked the court to release the suspects and go to the hospital.

The court was asked to detain the suspects who are being investigated for taking part in demonstrations where they injured police officers, damaged property and prevented the police from doing their job. Mr Munyeri asked the court to release the suspects as the Constitution Article number 37 allows citizens to protest.

In her decision she gave at half past five on Wednesday at the Milimani court, Ms. Nyamu said "the prosecution did not present enough evidence to enable the court to deny them bail." Ms. Nyamu released the four suspects who were arrested and detained at the Kabete police station. The judge gave Sh10,000 bail to 18 children under the age of 18.

The other suspects were released on Sh50,000 bail. In these guarantees, the judge said that it is the parents or guardians of the children who will present the documents to release them at the police stations. The judge ordered the suspects to be returned to Muthangari, Gigiri, Capitol Hill and Kilimani police stations to be released. The suspects were arrested and brought to court for allegedly robbing businessmen, destroying property and preventing the police from carrying out their duties. They were also alleged to have brought 14 coffins which they placed on the road.

So far more than 30 people were killed by the police and 361 others were injured and 627 were injured. Businesses were looted and several police cars were burnt during protests against the 2024 Finance Bill.


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