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“He Wants To Legalise Illegal Foreigners” - Mzansi Demand Change Of Cabinet After Discovering This

opera.com 3 days ago

The newly appointed Home Affairs Minister, Leon Schreiber, a member of the Democratic Alliance (DA), has sparked controversy with his prioritization of work visas for foreign nationals amidst South Africa's high unemployment rate. With over 32% of the population without jobs, many are questioning the logic behind legalizing illegal foreigners when the country has a surplus of skilled graduates.

South Africa boasts the title of the most educated country in Africa, producing a high number of graduates every year. This raises questions about the necessity of legalizing foreign workers when local talent is readily available. The DA's intentions have been called into question, with many believing that legalizing illegal foreigners will only serve to increase unemployment among South African citizens.

Helen Zille, the former leader of the DA, publicly announced her support for legalizing illegal foreigners, further fueling the debate. Critics argue that this move will only benefit corporations looking to exploit cheap labor, while neglecting the needs of South African citizens. The DA's stance has sparked outrage among many who feel that the party is prioritizing the interests of big business over those of the people.

Minister Schreiber's priorities have raised concerns about the government's commitment to addressing the country's pressing issues. With unemployment at an all-time high, many are calling for solutions that prioritize the needs of South African citizens. The legalization of illegal foreigners is seen by many as a threat to the already limited job opportunities available.

The DA's stance on this issue has sparked a heated debate about the country's immigration policies and their impact on the economy. While some argue that foreign skills are necessary for economic growth, others believe that prioritizing local talent is the key to unlocking South Africa's true potential.

As the controversy surrounding Minister Schreiber's priorities continues to grow, many are left wondering what the future holds for South Africa's job market. Will the government prioritize the needs of its citizens or continue to cater to the interests of big business? Only time will tell.

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