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5 Illegal Lesotho Foreigners Arrested, Check What The Police Discovered

opera.com 2 days ago

A recent operation conducted by the Border Management Authority (BMA) and the South African Police Service (SAPS) at the Qashasnek border post has resulted in the arrest of five individuals from Lesotho. The suspects were found in possession of a substantial amount of cash, totaling over R1.4 million.

The arrests were made as part of a joint effort to combat illegal activities along the South Africa-Lesotho border. The operation aimed to disrupt and dismantle criminal networks operating in the region.

However, controversy surrounds the BMA's handling of the arrests. Despite the individuals being illegal foreigners, the authority has refused to identify them as such. This decision has sparked criticism, particularly in light of a previous incident where four Lesotho nationals, alleged to be Zama Zama kingpins, were arrested and subsequently banned from entering the country.

The BMA's reluctance to acknowledge the illegal status of the arrested individuals has raised questions about the authority's competence. Critics argue that the failure to identify and properly address illegal activity undermines efforts to combat crime and maintain border security.

The repeated arrests of the same individuals highlight the need for improved border management and coordination between law enforcement agencies. The BMA's apparent ineptitude in this regard has sparked concerns about the effectiveness of South Africa's border security.

As the investigation into the arrests continues, calls are being made for greater transparency and accountability from the BMA. The public demands assurance that those responsible for illegal activities will be held accountable, and that measures will be taken to prevent future incidents.

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