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Heroic bus driver saves lives after brazen shooting

opera.com 3 days ago

A seasoned Gauteng bus driver with 15 years of experience has emerged as a hero after his quick thinking and unwavering courage saved the lives of 15 commuters during a harrowing incident on Wednesday.

The bus driver, whose identity has been kept confidential, was hailed for his actions by Metrobus' acting managing director, Bongani Radebe. Radebe praised the driver's swift response, stating that he potentially prevented a far more tragic outcome.

The incident unfolded when the bus was attacked by unknown assailants, resulting in the brazen shooting and killing of a passenger. Amidst the chaos and panic, the driver remained composed and instantly recognized the imminent danger.

Without hesitation, he maneuvered the bus away from the treacherous scene, driving approximately 500 meters to ensure the safety of the remaining passengers. Upon reaching a safer location, the driver instructed the commuters to disembark and seek refuge as swiftly as possible.

Radebe expressed immense gratitude for the driver's heroic actions, acknowledging that his quick thinking prevented potential fatalities. "He demonstrated exceptional courage and professionalism, putting the lives of others before his own," said Radebe.

The driver's unwavering determination to safeguard the commuters reflects his unwavering commitment to his profession and the well-being of those entrusted to his care. His quick decision-making and decisive actions averted a devastating tragedy, earning him widespread admiration and respect.

The incident highlights the invaluable role that public transport drivers play in our society, often facing challenging and dangerous situations while ensuring the safe and efficient movement of commuters. The driver's heroism stands as a testament to the resilience and dedication of these unsung heroes.

Authorities are continuing their investigation into the fatal shooting, and the driver's cooperation and assistance will be crucial in bringing the perpetrators to justice. Metrobus has pledged its full support to the driver and the families affected by the tragic event.

Source: https://www.news24.com/news24/southafrica/news/gauteng-bus-driver-hailed-a-hero-in-hit-that-claimed-bank-employees-life-20240627

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