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Good News To Teachers As Government Export First Batch Of Teachers To US For Teaching Jobs

opera.com 2024/7/15

First Batch of Kenyan Teachers Exported to the US Under Govt Initiative. Kenya has been on good terms with the US, and they have been working together for the last few years since the current head of state, Ruto, entered into power.

The head of state promised to get jobs for the youth who are jobless and is working the way forward to get jobs.

The state secured jobs for teachers who are currently traveling to the USA to teach in that country. The number of teachers in the country has increased rapidly, and the government wants to reduce the number of teachers who are unemployed and get jobs.

This deal was sealed in February of this year and will see more teachers traveling to the United States to teach, and they are set to be paid highly. Kenyan teachers have been fighting in the name of interns, where more than 46k teachers have been employed.

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