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"All Is Not Well Between Me And Ruto" Ruto-Rigathi Fallout Takes A Fresh Twist As he Says This.

opera.com 2 days ago

Deputy President Gachagua says he and President Ruto are having some problems. But he thinks they can fix these issues.Gachagua wants to focus on making Kenya better and keeping people united. He admits things aren't good between him and Ruto right now.

This comes after they disagreed about recent protests. Gachagua said the government didn't know how angry people were about new taxes. But Ruto said they did know and were ready.Gachagua thinks it's important to talk about these problems. He wants to do this in a way that helps Kenya grow and stay democratic.

By saying this, Gachagua shows he wants to make things better with Ruto. It seems like both of them know they need to work together well.They want to fix their issues so they can lead Kenya better. It's important for the country that they get along.

People in Kenya will be watching to see if they can sort out their differences. How they do this could affect how well the government works.For now, it looks like both Ruto and Gachagua want to find a way to agree again. They know it's best for Kenya if they work well together.In the coming weeks, we might learn more about how they plan to solve their problems. Many hope they can do this quickly so they can focus on running the country.

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