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Umkhonto Wesizwe Youth League's Disrespect Over GNU Fuels Racialism

opera.com 2 days ago

Having emerged from the KZN province, Umkhonto Wesizwe party is led by the veteran and former president of the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma.

Despite the fact that he changed his political ticket and goes with the MK, Jacob Zuma is associated with little known new faces in politics, and mostly, his youth league.

A lot of experience and political growth, yields strong comrades who breed patriotism within the country. Utterances made by the MK Party youth league recently, serves no purpose but drive to promote racialism.

The Government of National unity needs support from all walks of life, especially South Africans, whether black or white. If a certain group or organization tries to downgrade GNU's existence for unknown reasons, then we are going to have a problem.

South Africa belongs to everyone who lives in it. The GNU is ready to go extra miles to serve the country, economically. The beneficiaries are not the ANC or DA fans, but everyone.

Yes, we can't ignore yester year apartheid rule which suppressed the black majority group. Liberty was restored in South Africa through the barrel of the gun.

The power is now in the hands of the rightful people, the majority South Africans. Black and white SAns share some similarities in their political profile. It is their responsibility to put aside their political differences and, more sensibly, avoid reeling on racial grounds.

The nation was dancing on the edge of the knife, awaiting the President Ramaohosa to announce the cabinet. The long wait was over after the announcement of the cabinet, comprised of ministers and their deputies.

The MK Party should live with it, and stop complaining over everything. Running on racial grounds, or promoting tribal divisions, undermines the principles of the GNU, economical development and affects the livelihoods of the people.

Source: https://www.theafrica.co.za/africanews/mk-party-youth-league-slams-gnu-alliance-between-anc-and-da-as-political-greed-4547522343

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