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'Rip' Woman From Sotik Kenya Born In 1885 Dies Aged 139 Years

opera.com 4 days ago

Rebecca Tapelgaa Serem, the venerable matriarch from Sotik's Kaitit Village, has passed away at the remarkable age of 139. Born in 1885 to the Kipangwanek clan, she defied the usual human lifespan by decades, earning admiration and respect across Kenya.

Her journey through time spanned an era of immense change, witnessing Kenya's evolution from colonial rule to independence and beyond.News of her death on June 20, 2024, stirred emotions online, where netizens chose to celebrate rather than mourn her departure.

Many highlighted her life as a testament to resilience and wisdom, echoing the sentiment that she tested the breeze of centuries. Rebecca's legacy extends beyond her extraordinary age; she leaves behind a community enriched by her stories and wisdom.

As preparations for her Tuesday burial commence, her village and beyond reflect on her enduring spirit. Rebecca Tapelgaa Serem's life serves as a reminder of the richness of history woven into everyday lives, inspiring all who knew of her to cherish every moment.

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