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At least Nine Passengers Confirmed Dead, Two Injured This Morning in an Accident

opera.com 2 days ago

This morning, a very sad incident happened along the Narok Bomet highway where a Matatu vehicle full of passengers was involved in a nasty road accident. According to the report, the Matatu tyre burst leading to this sad incident that has claimed several lives.

According to the report, nine passengers were killed at the spot while two others suffered serious injuries. The actual cause of this nasty road accident has not yet been identified however more investigations are still being carried out by the traffic police officers who arrived at the scene on time.

Photo courtesy, image used for evidence purpose only.

According to the report, the injured have already been taken to the nearest hospital for medical check-ups and treatment to save their lives. The dead bodies have also been taken to the mortuary for preservation and autopsy as they await identification for their families to pick them up for burial purposes. May their souls rest in eternal peace.

Please let's join hands and send our most sincere condolences to their families by typing rest in peace in the comments section below. Please do like, comment, and share.

Below is a link for more detailed information on this report.


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