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Gideon Moi's Message To Gen Z After Massive Looting &Destruction Of Properties During DemosYesterday

opera.com 2 days ago

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Former Baringo county senator honourable Gideon Moi has issues a statement following Massive looting and destruction of properties during yesterday's Anti Ruto's protest in Nairobi county among other region's of the country.

According to the lastest news report by the reliable news source through x social media platform, Baringo politician Gideon Moi has condemned goons for disrupting peace demonstrations and taking advantage by Looting people's properties.

Gideon Moi has call upon the government to deal with these individuals ruthlessly and release charges upon them. The law maker has urged the Gen Z to remain firm and vigilant and collaborate with police officers to aid in arresting the suspect's.

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We are calling upon the youth's to respect other people properties during protests and urging the member's of the public to collaborate with the police officers so that the suspect's can be arrested and charged in the Court of law.

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