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"I'm Ready To Resign" Vocal Azimio Party MP Proclaims Because Of Current Situation In Kenya

opera.com 2 days ago

In a recent statement, MP Daniel Manduku highlighted the need for fresh elections in Kenya to address ongoing issues faced by the public. Manduku emphasized that even if he stepped down, the fundamental solution lies in holding new elections.

He pointed out that the current voting behavior in Kenya often revolves around party affiliations rather than evaluating individual candidates, which he believes limits genuine representation of people's interests.Manduku also expressed concerns about the Parliament's ability to function effectively, especially in light of recent disruptions.

(Photo/ Nyaribari Masaba MP)

He proposed the idea of dissolving Parliament, although this suggestion faced resistance from his colleagues. He suggested adopting a staggered election system where different leaders are elected at different times, allowing for better assessment and accountability of leaders.

He concluded by stressing the importance of conducting these elections in a cost-effective manner to ensure broad participation and fair outcomes. Manduku's proposals underscore a call for electoral reforms aimed at enhancing democratic processes and representation in Kenya.

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